I can't install a game on my phone, please help!
A) Generally if you're getting the first error you should be able to press the back arrow and try again. If you're still getting the error, try to completely uninstall the app and reinstall it again.
B) You should try changing your data and cache to the phone (settings -> applications -> data and cache -> clear data or clear cache).
C) You might want to try and follow the tutorial below.
.G. All authors reviewed the manuscript.
![Dynamics of CSCs and cancer cells in the context of metabolic reprogramming.\n(**a**) CSCs are poised for rapid division, and reprogram their metabolism towards more glycolytic dependence, but show low viability under glucose-depleted conditions. (**b**) Cancer cells derive energy primarily through mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) coupled to the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. Under normal growth conditions, they meet their energy demands by reducing oxidative phosphorylation and utilizing alternative pathways, such as glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and fatty acid oxidation. (**c**) A major difference between CSCs and cancer cells is that CSCs have the ability to trigger a switch to glycolysis and are able to maintain high viability under glucose-depleted conditions. (**d**) Cancer cells are pushed towards mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation under glucose-depleted conditions. Cancer cells also rely on mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, but have an extremely high dependence on oxidative phosphorylation for energy compared with CSCs. Therefore, cancer cells have a higher sensitivity to mitochondrial dysfunction. CSCs: Cancer stem cells; OXPHOS: Oxidative phosphorylation; TCA: Tricarboxylic acid.](srep45773-f1){#f1}
![Bifunctional effect of oncolytic virotherapy.\nOncolytic virotherapy can target CSCs by delivering an oncolytic virus that infects and replicates within CSCs and cancer cells. (**a**) Oncolytic virotherapy-induced oncolysis selectively kills CSCs through the induction of oxidative stress, cell cycle arrest, or lysosomal membrane permeabilization, which may activate 01e38acffe
There was an error loading the save game
There was an error reading the save game file
The save file is corrupt
Save file is not valid
Save data is not in the format required
Game saved from the inside
System software update
System software upgrade
The game failed to be installed
The game failed to be deleted
Open menu > Save
Hold down the right shoulder button to open the sub-menu.
Open menu > Save Game
Hold down the right shoulder button to open the sub-menu.
Clear your save data
Clear save data
Enter the name of the save game file
Enter the save data filename
Enter the save game data location
Enter the amount of space for saving
Find a save game file
Find a save game file
If the data is in the format of a.zip archive, simply extract the save data file.
Unzip the archive
If the data is in the format of a.zip archive, simply extract the save data file.
To extract the data from an archive, select the.zip file and press A.
To extract the data from an archive, select the.zip file and press A.
Select the save data file in the archive
Select the save data file in the archive
The game data is saved at
The game data is loaded from
The game data is loaded from
Save game data is updated
Save game data is updated
Game data is not saved
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